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Duplicity (2009) Trailer


This year, Julia Roberts and Clive Owen reunite for Oscar-nominated director Tony Gilroy’s drama tracing the love affair between two spies-turned-corporate operatives. The Cold War has diluted, and CIA agents seeking to make an easy mint, the real money is in multinational corporations. Julia Roberts acts as ex-CIA officer, Claire Stenwick, who is hot and brilliant. And Clive Owen acts as Ray Koval, an ex MI-6.

Giant Industry owned Howerd Tully (Tom Wilkinson) and trailblazing CEO Dick Garsil (Paul Giamatti) start resorting to some seriously underhanded tactics in hope of gaining an advantage over the competition. Loners by definition of their own careers, Claire and Ray engage in a series of schemes and double-crosses while contending with the fact that their mutual attraction could ultimately jeopardize their entire missions.

It’s really unique movie to watch. Julia Roberts and Clive Owen give a quality of acting. Watch this trailer!

3 Responses to “Duplicity (2009) Trailer”

  1. critanya tentang apa sih??

    menariknya dmna?

    jgn pake bhs inggris doonk…

    gk ngerti nie…

    • hehe. iya iya. jadi duplicity tuh cerita tentang mantan agen spesial gitu. yang cewe (julia) mantan CIA, yang cowo (clive) mantan MI6. terus mereka ada misi gitu deh..
      jadi inget sama mr. and mrs. smith..
      liat deh trailernya..

  2. hehe. iya iya. jadi duplicity tuh cerita tentang mantan agen spesial gitu. yang cewe (julia) mantan CIA, yang cowo (clive) mantan MI6. terus mereka ada misi gitu deh..
    jadi inget sama mr. and mrs. smith..
    liat deh trailernya..

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